Humor at Work |
ISSUE 907 - Feb. 9, 2022 |
Gratitude for the Win! |
Happy Pizza Day and Read in the Bathtub Day! (Please, try not to drop the pizza!)
It's time for another issue of random ideas and musings:
- A study titled "Vanishing Time in the Pursuit of Happiness" found that when people were asked to focus on things that are currently making them happy vs. things they need to do to become happier, the people who were asked to think about what would make them happier in the future reported feeling less happy and felt more time pressured than the
people who focused on what was already making them happy. Gratitude for the win yet again!
- I like this idea from Houston-based Sterling Bank for an aspirational customer service goal: "Make every day our grand opening."
- In the book "Dare to Speak," author Suzanne Nossel talks about the difference between "calling out" someone vs. "calling in" someone. The concept of "calling in" someone applies to situations where, rather than embarrassing someone in front of everyone by publicly calling them out, call them in to a private conversation later on.
- A study found that the term employees most often used to describe their current workplace culture was, sadly, "stress." What's the number one word that pops into your mind when you think about your workplace culture? This is a great question to ask your employees!
- In the same study cited above, employees, on average, rated their workplace culture at a 65 out of a possible 100 points. What rating would you give your culture? Drop me a line, I'd love to hear your responses!
- If you are concerned about crossing the proverbial "humor line" at work by saying something inappropriate, rather than asking yourself how your humor will make you look, ask the question: "How will my humor make the people around me feel?"
Mike's Fun at Work Tip |
The City of Calgary launched a "Name a Snowplow" contest last fall. They asked children in local schools to submit their best suggestions and from 1,700 submissions, 78 snowplow names were chosen, including: Plowy McPlowface, Snowy McSnowface, the Blizzard of Oz, Darth Blader, Melton John, and Gritty, Gritty Bang Bang.
Try creating your own contest to name, well, anything you want to dub with a fun name: a new product or service, your office plants, hallways, meetings rooms, company vehicles, or new projects. You could create an internal contest or open it up to schools, family members, or customers.
Deep Thought of the Week |
“Checking social media is the new opening the fridge when you’re not hungry.” Source unknown
Funny Business |
A sign spotted on an out-of-order ATM at a bank:
"Tiny Money-Counting Gnome is Out Sick!"
Wanted: Audiences in Need of Inspiration! Respond to this email to find out how Michael can help inspire your team with an idea-packed, humor-filled presentation!
“I wanted to share with you the amazing customer comments below. It’s a direct result of your influence. Your work makes a difference! Keep up the great work and keep the ideas coming!” Kevin Walsh, Chief Marketing & Sales Officer, Showdown Displays
Suffering From the Culture Blues? Let's talk about how the Culture Leadership Academy could help you re-energize your workplace culture to drive outrageous results!
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