Inspiring Workplaces: Do You Need a Silver Linings Playbook?

Published: Wed, 11/24/21

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Humor at Work ISSUE 898 - Nov. 24, 2021
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    Do You Need a Silver Linings Playbook?


I've compiled a list of "99 Pandemic Positive Pick Me-Uppers." Yes, 99 silver linings from the last few years: Stories and factoids that were inspiring, uplifting, or funny. While it's important not to trivialize the very real hardships many people experienced, it's also extremely valuable to intentionally focus our attention on the positives during challenging times. So, why not do the same in your workplace?

Create a page on your website dedicated to inspiring pandemic stories; put together a "pandemic time capsule" once you've returned to the office where people bring one object to the office that best reflects their remote work experience; create a celebratory wall highlighting success stories; ask your customers to submit inspiring stories; or have everyone contribute to your own list of positive highlights. 

This exercise can also be a fabulous reminder of the importance of being extra intentional when it comes to being more compassionate and supportive of one another. It can also help you focus on some of the positive lessons learned over the last two years - lessons about what worked well for employees and customers and reminders about the things you need to keep doing or build upon as you re-imagine a more inspiring workplace! 

    Mike's Fun at Work Tip
With so many people working alone from home, many people have jokingly observed that this has been the time for introverts to shine! So when you start returning to the office, please keep the introverts (who make up anywhere from 30% - 50% of the population) in mind when you plan fun events. Include introverts in the planning stages to get their input. Be careful about making fun "mandatory" for everyone. And consider how you might creatively offer different tiers or types of experiences to accommodate everyone and help everyone feel included.  
    Groaner of the Week
“I went bald years ago, but I still have my comb. I just can’t part with it.”
    Funny Business
Why send a boring auto-responder email message to your clients when you can send something like this (thank you Waldo Berg for sharing this response from Better 1 electronics):
All was quiet today until the warehouse intercom crackled to life: Listen up, people! We’ve got an order for our new friend…but no one could hear the rest of the announcement over the thunderous roar of applause! Sparkling Water bottles were popped.Tears of joy were shed. 'Don’t Stop Believing' rang from every speaker. Even Alan, our lead packer, smiled—and Alan never smiles! Simply put, your order caused pandemonium and everyone is thrilled you’re now a customer. Thank you!   
How to Say 'No' To Your Boss From the archives, Michael is quoted in the Business Insider article, How to Say 'No' To Your Boss Without Looking Lazy or Incompetent

Inspiring Workplaces YouTube Channel  Every week I upload short (less than 5 minute) videos on a range of topics. If you don't want to miss a video, please subscribe to my channel HERE. And check out a recent episode: How to Give Everyone a Greater Voice in Meetings.

Wanted: Audiences in Need of Inspiration! Respond to this email to find out how Michael can help inspire your team with an idea-packed, humor-filled presentation! 

"Michael's presentation was the best presentation I have seen in my 40 years in business." Rodney Meadows, Director East Alabama Home Medical
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