Inspiring Workplaces: Reviewing the Highlights Reel

Published: Wed, 12/15/21

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Humor at Work ISSUE 901 - Dec. 15, 2021
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    Reviewing the Highlights Reel


Happy Cat Herders Day everyone! This is my last newsletter for 2021, so I want to wish everyone an amazing, fun, and safe holiday season and end of the year! Thank you for hanging out with me for one more raucous orbit around the sun.

Once again, I'm going to suggest the following questions as a great virtual, in-person, or family huddle to hold sometime between now and the end of the year. Or you can always do it when you reconvene in early January. Ask everyone to share:

1. Their top-3 highlights of 2021.

2. The top-3 things they are most grateful for.

3. The top-3 things they are most excited about for 2022.

4. Their funniest moment/memory for 2021.

Thank you all for your support and I look forward to sharing some exciting new ideas in 2022 to help you energize your life and your workplace!   

    Mike's Fun at Work Tip
Another alter ego name generator to use during a meeting to add a little fun (kids love these as well by the way, so try them at home). Generate everyone's alter ego spy name with this simple formula: Your favorite color + your favorite animal. 
    Quote of the Week

"Find something you love to do, do it every day for the rest of your life, and eventually the world will change." Alex Dilme, Lead for Purpose and Culture, GBfoods
    Funny Business
Yes, even throwing away your trash can be fun. Some trash bins in one city are divided into two different receptacles, so you can "vote," based on which receptacle you use, for whether you are FOR or AGAINST including pineapple on pizzas.
Wanted: Audiences in Need of Inspiration! Respond to this email to find out how Michael can help inspire your team with an idea-packed, humor-filled presentation!

“You were the hit of the conference. Most of the participants rated you as the best presenter of the  conference.” Karen Bossin, Shoppers Drug Mart

Create More Ho Ho Hos With The Jerk-Free Workplace Book! Give the gift of a jerk-free workplace to someone you know, because life is too short to work in a fun-sucking workplace! The Jerk Free Workplace: How You Can Take the Lead to Create a Happier, More Inspiring Workplace
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