Inspiring Workplaces: Eight Ways to Intentionally Build a Better Workplace This Year

Published: Wed, 01/03/24

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Inspiring Workplaces 
The Way Work Ought to Be!
ISSUE 1,002 - Jan. 3, 2024
    Eight Ways to Intentionally Build a Better Workplace This Year

Welcome to 2024! It's a Leap Year, which makes me extra giddy for some reason. (I'm a little nerdy about these things.)

Now is naturally the time of year to think about how you're going to be more intentional about building a better workplace that works for everyone. I've got a few ideas for you that might help.

1. Use the Wheel of Change with your team and commit to just one thing everyone is going to START doing to make a better workplace,
one thing everyone will commit to STOP doing, and one thing everyone will CONTINUE to do to create a better workplace.

2. Hold a Culture Pitch Day where teams or individuals can pitch their most brilliant ideas on how to improve your workplace culture. 

3. Create monthly themes where everyone focuses on a key aspect of your business, culture, or customer service for one month.

4. Create a Culture Squad that rotates membership quarterly, or twice a year and who focuses on implementing key culture initiatives that will have the biggest impact.   

5. Hold Culture Boot Camp Day to solicit ideas from employees and get everyone re-energized about your culture.

6. Purchase a copy of The Jerk-Free Workplace: How You Can Take the Lead to Create a Happier, More Inspiring Workplace for every employee. Or to be safe, in case people misplace their copy, go ahead and purchase two copies per employees. I mean really, it's the prudent thing to do. (I know the author, by the way, and I know he can arrange some great bulk discounts for you)

7. Set daily or weekly intentions with your team and review them as a team at the end of the week.

8. Be intentional about bringing more fun and humor to work. Start a Third Person Thursdays ritual where everyone talks about themselves using their own name; create a fun tradition to kick off your meetings; or create some fun awards (such as the Jackass Whisperer Award to whoever best manages to calm down irate customers) for employees. 

    Mike's Fun at Work Tip
It's the perfect time of year to create a Jar of Awesomeness in your office or home where everyone can leave small notes of recognition, gratitude, success stories, or appreciation anytime someone does something awesome or something awesome happens. It's a simple way to remind everyone to focus on and appreciate the positives. At the end of every month, every quarter or at the end of the year, you can share the notes of awesomeness at meetings, on your intranet site, or through an email to celebrate how many fabulously awesome things happened.
    Quote of the Week

“I was going to quit all my bad habits for the new year, but then I remembered that nobody likes a quitter.”  Source unknown
    Funny Business
As seen on a hotel sign:
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How to Be An Inspiring Culture Leader: What Culture Leaders Do to Create Inspiring Workplace Cultures That Drive Extraordinary Results  This online membership site/course includes 12 video-based modules, 5 eBooks, and all the resources you need to help you and your team build an inspiring workplace culture that works for everyone. Great deals for bulk signups

WANTED: Lonely Audiences Seeking Inspiring, Funny, Adorable, Energizing Speaker  Respond to this email to find out how Michael can energize your workplace culture in 2024!  "Many of the head office staff thought you were the best keynote speaker we had ever had!" Tanya  Dusyk, Manager,. Shell Canada
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